As an independent author, there are many ways you can become successful but they all require marketing and branding strategy. Creating a logo, business cards and having consistent branding colors can help readers to recognize your work quickly and easily. These items are necessary tools in your branding kit. Building an audience by collecting emails […]

Marketing & Branding, Why Are They Important?

Self Published

Are you a writer and aspiring author looking to become a successful independent author? Well, here are five essential tips that every author needs to know in order to reach success. Tip 1: Time management is key. Carving out time for your writing each day is essential if you want to be an accomplished an […]

5 Tips to Becoming a Successful Author!


When it comes to knowledge on book publishing, one of the most important things to know is the difference between self-publishing and traditional publishing.  Self-publishing is when authors take complete control over their work and do the entire process of publishing themselves – from writing, editing, designing, printing, distributing, and even marketing! This path can […]

Self Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing: Which one is for you?

Self Published

Are you looking to publish a book but unsure what route to take? There are two main choices: traditional publishing and self-publishing. However, an increasingly popular option combines the two approaches—hybrid publishing. Going with a hybrid publisher can have benefits compared to a traditional publishing company or being a self-publisher. This option is unique because […]

What is Hybrid Publishing and Should I Do It?

Writing Services

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This will be a captivating tagline to show what you do and who you do it for.