You have not had critical feedback on your raw manuscript.

EDITING Services are Perfect for You If...

You want the final version of your story to effectively relay its message without unnecessary errors.

You want your audience to take your writing seriously.

You haven’t had ample experience with writing and editing.

A team of experienced editing professionals who provide personal feedback.



Two rounds of video chat, or one 60-minute chat including feedback that are forever accessible to clients.


A single spaced editorial for clients of developmental editing to keep.

Single-spaced Editorial

Your final say in what suggested changes are provided by our team of experienced editors.


A variety of editing types to choose from, that depend on your book’s genre and word count.




All video chats and editorials are yours to keep for future reference for life.

Obtain Your Editing Resources.


You will work with our editors to do two rounds of editing with their feedback. This will be your chance to accept or reject any of their suggestions as well as ask any questions.

Submit Your Manuscript.


We will have a 45 minute call where you will receive guidance on your next steps to achieve your goals.

Schedule Your 1-On-1 Coaching Call.


Currently, we have two editors; one specializes in line and copy editing, and the other specializes in developmental editing. Both are highly educated and experienced in their field.

The “Simple Edit” will be conducted for specialized projects and individuals who qualify. This edit will be done by Nicole.

How many editors are on your team?

Copy Editing tackles grammar, punctuation, and correcting mechanical errors like typos. This is needed at any level of editing so that readers are not put off by rudimentary mishaps.

Line Editing focuses on sentence structure and word choices. This style of editing accesses if your message is being accurately relayed, the style and the flow of the work overall.

Developmental Editing addresses character development, plot development, and storyline. It fleshes out weaker areas of the manuscript, makes sure there aren’t unnecessary sections included, and that the story has a climax. Overall, it improves “big picture” story elements. All novels need developmental editing.

Your genre and word count can determine which edit is best for you and this will be determined in your 1-on-1 call.

How do I know what kind of edit I need?

The process time frame is dependent on word count and which editing services are purchased. Most edits generally take 3-4 weeks, however, this time can be impacted by the writing level of the author and the word count of the manuscript.

How long does the editing process take?

We provide line, copy, and developmental editing. For smaller works we provide a “simple edit”. 

It is vital as an author that you have multiple eyes on your work. No matter how good your story is, your message can be misconstrued or not fully read because your grammatical errors are plentiful and your audience is turned off. We are here to keep that from happening and will provide you with a more polished manuscript than what you started with.

What types of editing do you provide?

Frequently Asked Questions

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This will be a captivating tagline to show what you do and who you do it for.