When you need to catch plot holes or inconsistencies you may have missed in your story.
To obtain feedback on what potential readers of your story will have regarding plot development, characters and pacing.
When you have completed several rounds of self-editing in the writing process.
To learn if potential readers will actually enjoy reading your story.
We charge $.002/word with a minimum of 25,000 words. This price increases over 100k-count word manuscript and will need
to be discussed in a consultation.
A one-page synopsis of your work detailing the reader’s opinion on your storytelling ability, the narrative, the character, the plot, and weak and strong points. Our beta readers are delicate in their delivery while still honest. Both traits provide thoughtful consideration to the writer’s art.
What’s Included?
An invaluable experience with a professional reader whose familiar with the nuances of storytelling.
What Do I Gain?