May 18, 2023

Marketing & Branding, Why Are They Important?

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As an independent author, there are many ways you can become successful but they all require marketing and branding strategy. Creating a logo, business cards and having consistent branding colors can help readers to recognize your work quickly and easily. These items are necessary tools in your branding kit.

Building an audience by collecting emails or using social media are also essential for reaching readers and creating a buzz about your projects.

Networking with other authors in the same genre or industry can also be beneficial in making connections that may lead to more opportunities.

Connecting with others by networking, doing collaborations, creating and sustaining your email list, and showing up on social media all fall under the umbrella of marketing.

Partnering with local libraries, coffee shops and bookstores are also great ways to tap into community events where there are opportunities for you to promote your work.

Consider other authors that are in your field and see what they’re doing that works for them. It may be a quick chat on a Zoom call or an in-person coffee meetup where you’ll get more tips on growing your audience.

So much of any author’s growth comes through connections, so think of creative ways to make this happen. Additionally, you can enhance your knowledge in these fields by attending marketing and branding workshops that will keep you abreast on the latest resources available for you to stay current and relevant.

If you don’t feel marketing and branding are your strong suit then look into inexpensive ways to build a team who will do this for you. Hiring a social media marketer on, utilizing a recent college graduate, or buying ads on social media platforms are just a couple of suggestions. Even scheduling tools like can minimize the time spent posting content and free you up to do what you really like to do: write.

Overall, becoming a successful indie author involves taking the time to create visibility around your work through marketing efforts, utilizing available resources such as social media platforms and email lists, engaging with other authors in the same field, and being consistent with your branding. 

With dedication and effort, you can make your mark in the world of independent publishing and reach success as an indie author. 

So many have done it before. Why not you?

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