August 14, 2023

Everything You Need to Know To Record Your Audiobook

Book Versions

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Recording your own audiobooks can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, and it’s not as hard as you might think as long as you have the right equipment and know-how. This guide will give you the basics of what you need to record an audiobook. 


The first step in creating your audiobook is writing the book. If you’re starting from scratch, consider hiring a professional ghostwriter to help craft your book. Platforms like are a great place to look. Once the manuscript is ready, you should have it professionally edited to ensure all the grammar and punctuation are correct. Of course, we recommend getting it edited by our stellar editors here at ND Miller Publishing.

Recording Equipment 

To record your audiobook, you’ll need some basic recording equipment. Most people use a computer with a microphone and audio-editing software like Audacity or Adobe Audition. You can also purchase specialized USB microphones, which will produce higher-quality recordings. If you feel less equipped for this task, consider connecting with an audio engineer in a quality studio. When you perform the recording, you should use a flat screened-device such as an iPad to read from. If you use an actual paperback, there may be noise when you turn the pages.

Book Publishing 

Once your audiobook is recorded, you’ll need to distribute it to the public. There are many platforms available for audiobook distribution, such as Amazon’s Audible and Apple Books. You’ll need to set up an account with each platform and upload your recording before you can start selling it. Additionally, consider marketing the book through social media or other channels to reach more potential listeners. 

With these steps in mind, you can start producing your audiobook. Recording an audiobook is a great way to become an author and share your story with the world. Just remember that it takes time, patience, and dedication to produce high-quality recordings. 

Audiobook Covers 

Another critical factor when it comes to releasing your audiobook is the cover art. A good cover will help capture potential listeners’ attention and interest them in your book. You can either hire a graphic designer to create the artwork or use a template from a stock library like Shutterstock or iStock. If you’ve published your book’s eBook version, you can use the eBook cover. It may need to be resized to fit specific platforms such as ACX, Amazon’s audiobook branch.


Once you’ve recorded and uploaded your audiobook, it’s essential to go back and edit out any mistakes or background noise. Listening back to the recording can be tedious, but it’s a necessary step to produce a quality audiobook. If you’re working with an audio engineer, you’ll have the benefit of having multiple sets of ears to listen for errors. You may even want to recruit friends or beta readers to help with this task. The fewer errors, the more credible your book will be to your listeners.

Promoting Your Audiobook 

Once your audiobook is finished and released, you’ll want to start promoting it. Social media is a great way to get the word out and build a following. You can also reach out to book bloggers, podcasts, and other authors to spread the word about your audiobook. 

Audiobooks Are Here to Stay 

Audiobooks are becoming increasingly popular as more people look for easier ways to consume content. They are also a must if your audience consists of on-the-go types with no time to read paperback books. With the right equipment and knowledge, anyone can create their own audiobook and share their story with the world. 

Creating an audiobook is also a fantastic way to enter the publishing industry without spending a fortune. It may seem daunting, but with the right equipment and knowledge, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. Writing the story, setting up the equipment, editing out mistakes, publishing your book, and promoting it are all necessary steps in creating a successful audiobook. 

Additional Tips for Recording Audiobooks 

  • Practice speaking slowly and clearly so listeners can understand what you’re saying. 
  • Take breaks between recording sessions so that your voice can rest. 
  • Speak in a natural tone of voice and avoid using overly complex words or slang. 
  • Use noise-canceling headphones to minimize outside distractions. 
  • Listen back to your recordings regularly and make adjustments as needed. 
  • Find ways to market and promote your audiobook to reach more potential listeners. 
  • Take feedback from listeners and use it to improve future recordings. 
  • Do voice exercises in between sessions and before recordings.
  • Make sure to have water and/or tea on hand to aid with saliva buildup.

By following these tips, you should be able to create an excellent audiobook even from the comfort of your own home. We hope this guide helps as a great starting point for you to share your story with the world! To check out an example of one of our audiobooks, go to and grab your copy today.

Happy recording! 

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